Terms and Conditions


All products are listed with prices including TAX. At checkout the total price including all fees, TAX and shipping is shown.
Payment conditions are listed for each payment option.
Shipping conditions are listed at checkout for each shipping option.


Your right to return items is valid within 14 days. In your message to us you must clearly state why you are returning the item. The right to return period starts the day you received the item. If the purchase includes a specially made item - or the item has a clear personal customisation, the right to return starts the day we receive your order.

The right to return is void if:
The product seal has been broken.

If you choose to exercise your right to return:

You are obliged to return the item in the same condition as you received it. You cannot use, but of course carefully inspect it. If the item is damaged or missing due to negligence the right to return is voided.


When you place an order with us you state your personal details. By registering and ordering you approve that we store and use your details in our business to fullfill our responsibilites towards you. You have the right to receive the information stored by us about you at any time. If the information is false, incomplete or irrelevant you can ask for the information to be corrected or removed. Please contact us by email to correct the information.


The expected delivery time is stated during checkout for each shipping option. If an item has a different delivery time then it is stated individually for that item.


Returns are made at your own expense except in the case that the item is defect or if we sent the wrong item. Returns will be sent as letters or packages. In the case of replacing items, we will pay for the new shipping.

If you exercised your right for returns you will:
- in the case of an item: send or return it to us
- in the case of a service: provide us with the material


We will, if you exercised your right of return, refund the item immediately or within 30 days of receiving the item.